Friday, September 5, 2008

Real beginnings, this time

Maybe this time, someone will read it. I certainly hope so. If not, I can blame it all on Nad.

It is his fault, after all.

His blog was so good I got all caddy and high-school-girl-like. I want one. You can tell what I'm thinking because it's in italics. Crafty, yes?

I don't know quite what I will discuss here. I know no one wants to read about my story because no one wants to hear about it in real life. I am not offended. S'ok.

Here is a good thought:

When do things come to a head for people? I like that term but it's not very expressive. A climax, I guess I mean. A turning point. When can you see your whole life laid out before or behind you?

For me, I would say maybe getting baptized. The sentence I thought of then and haven't forgotten was This is the rest of my life. I like that sentence, partially because Stobbe would hate it so much.

For further notice: this blog shall probably contain mass references to Greg Stobbe, Candian, genius. I trash him a lot. It's only because I love him and he has made me the writer I am. And he nags. So don't go thinking I'm a Stobbe hater. Nope.

Back from tangent: For Peter, it's a big big fight with Sophie, it's breaking his leg, a lot of things. He has his much later in life. But this 'to a head' concept isn't a one time thing, I guess. There's a lot.

I like them because I think they say a lot about people. Do you have the perception to step back and see your life eclipsing? I really don't know.

Some people never have them. They go through their life like a monopoly game. One box to another, don't pause, don't go past. Pass go, collect $200. Don't petition to raise minimum wage, and don't sue for speeding tickets in the Go lane. Just plod on through. Don't see when the rest of your life is poking your ribs, when a drastic decision is staring at you in your cereal bowl.

Pass Go. Collect $200.

I don't want my life to be like that. I want to understand what I'm living.

I think that's why, when I play Monopoly, I spend a lot of time in jail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suzanna, your blog is really tight! I love your writing and blog address "peter and sophie"